I'm going to run the Houston Marathon in January. I'm probably insane. And it's not that I'm attempting this goal that makes me insane. Many people want to mark this particular accomplishment off their list of things to do before they die.
No... what makes me insane is that I have already marked that one off the list - not once but three times. Two Houston marathons and one Austin marathon are currently under my belt. I would like to say that I want to improve my previous times or that I have some lofty goal of qualifying for Boston. But no, that's not it either.
The really crazy part is that I don't know why I want to do this again. There is seemingly nothing fun about the whole experience. Training starts in the middle of July... in Houston. Yippee!!! Running in 90% humidity in the sweltering Houston summer is all kinds of fun! Maybe if you have gills.
Training lasts for 6 months and consists of at least 3 runs during the week and a long run on Saturday. The long runs start at an innocent 3 miles but they add a mile a week for 5 weeks before you get a tiny break. Then they add more mileage.
These "every Saturday for the next 6 months" long runs are scheduled to be completed before 8am in the morning. Why? See above comment about Houston summers. It starts out innocently enough. You have to start by 7:15am to finish your run before 8am. But eventually you have to start running 10+ miles. This means starting earlier and earlier each week. Not too many people I know think this is fun either.
Then there is the effect on your social life. Not that I have as much of one lately since I got married and suddenly help care for a very social teenager whose schedule is cutting into my fun. However the few times I do want to go out is often thwarted by this crazy training we have to do.
This is how my week usually goes: Run on Monday and Tuesday, off on Wednesday, run on Thursday, off on Friday, long run on Saturday, then off on Sunday. What this means in reality for me is little or no alcohol on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday because I have to run the next day. Running with a hangover in heat and humidity = Carol doubled over and puking at about mile 1. OK, that leaves the possibility of going out and/or drinking on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Of those three days, Tuesday is pretty much out. I hate going to do anything that early in the week because I get up early to get to work. And I have to go after my evening run... not likely to happen. Thursday is a possibility because it's the end of the week and I have every other Friday off. Saturday is also a possibility except for the fact that after you abuse your body with a 10 mile run, it retaliates by making you want to sleep at 6pm. So I will become a hermit for the most part. Yep that's fun.
You would think that the massive weight loss I will experience would excite me. However, I got a rude awakening to the problems of marathon training in the past. Training for 10+ miles on a Saturday makes you hungry... no ravenous might be a better word. And since you have burned approximately 1000 calories on this 10+ mile run, you feel quite justified in replenishing. All of this is good until you get to Sunday when you don't run and you are still hungry, or Monday when you run a short run and you are STILL hungry, or Tuesday... well you get the picture. Many people actually gain fat when they train for a marathon for this very reason. This has been my problem in the past.
I was a tiny little 128 pounds when I started training for my first marathon. I finished that marathon at 133 (no it was not 5 pounds of muscle gain... the ole pants were tighter!) I started my second one at 135 (you don't stop eating just because you stop training apparently) and finished that one around 138. I'm starting this one around 143 pounds as of today. This time I am diligently watching what I eat especially during the week. I allow myself a little more nourishment on Saturday but not a lot. I have now taken the only seemingly positive part of training for a marathon away from myself!
So why do I do this to myself? I must be crazy! That is the only valid conclusion.
(oh and so is my husband... I'm dragging him into all this craziness as well)