Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ads everywhere!

The hubby bought me a GPS for my birthday recently. It displays ads when I near my destination. Ads!

Is anyone else as annoyed about this as I am?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Biggest Loser 2010 Round 2

Starting at the first of the year, IT has a Biggest Loser contest. To get in on it, you have to contribute $20 to the pot o' winnings. I had been carrying around more weight than I like so I threw in my $20 and hoped I could get motivated this time. You see I had joined these things before and didn't take it seriously and therefore didn't even have a shot of winning.

This Biggest Loser contest went on for about 3 months and I didn't win 1st place. 1st place was taken by a guy that I'm convinced drank water and ate air for the whole time. I cannot subsist on air for more than about an hour so I ate Lean Cuisines at work and then cooked healthy dinners in the evening. I came in 2nd and won a respectable $100 or so (I don't remember the exact amount). To win 2nd place I think I dropped about 17% of my weight meaning when I decide I want to lose weight, I'm pretty good at it.

What I'm not good at is keeping it off... I have not gained all of that weight back but 8 pounds of it found me again. I blame summer and ice cream! The Biggest Loser competitions at work that I have been involved in have always been just IT people. The latest one is a whole company competition where they have asked us to gather a team of 4 people to compete rather than an individual competition. I was excited to see that we were doing this until....

I can't find a team! I was told I was too skinny. Now while most people would consider this a compliment, I see it as a challenge! I have started my own personal Biggest Loser competition. You may be wondering how this will work... What are the rules, you ask? Well, my goal is to lose more than at least two people on the team that called me too skinny. What do I win? The thrill of being right!!

I think there might be something wrong with me mentally... Oh well... whatever it takes to get me motivated I say. Now off to avoid eating ice cream and cobbler at the IT monthly birthday celebration.

Starting weight: 152.5