Wednesday, August 1, 2007

So much to talk about...

We are now in August and it's my birthday month. Usually I'm not even close to thinking about my birthday but there are two things different about this one. It's the big 4-O and I feel like I should celebrate it right. Then there is also the fact that the hubby is making an extra special effort this year since we were in an unexpected financial bind last August (ex-families suck!) The hubby has ordered many gifts this year and he ordered them early. There are two good sized boxes sitting in my house taunting me. So I can't seem to forget my birthday this year no matter how hard I try!

Marathon chronicles:
The hubby and I did our first hill training last night (Yes, you can do hill training in Houston.) I've done it before but this is a first for him. I don't think he really grasped how hard it was going to be. I did tried to warn him. Being generally a natural runner, he did better than I did. On our last 5 minutes up and down the hill I did a bit of walking. He stuck with it and ran but much more slowly than his first few hills. It was a really hard workout and HUMID! By the end I was pretty much hoping I could just die right there. But no, we had to run half a mile or so back to the area where we parked. I really need someone to remind me why I'm doing this. Oh yeah! I'm nuts!

Physical Therapy:
Because I want to run, I have to get my calf issues fixed. Nothing major really... it only hurts when I run because the calves are super-tight. If I would just stretch better I could have avoided this whole thing. All I can say about this experience is OUCH!! I think I will start stretching now.

New Job:
The hubby has a new job that will keep him in town. I'm mostly happy about that but I'll admit that there are times when I will miss having the house to myself. Oh and I may miss having my job to myself. Did I mention that his first consulting gig is at MY company? Mental note: send him out with his friends occasionally.


Unknown said...

Still reeling over the thought of training in Houston's humidity. I think I'd last about five minutes. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't last in the thin air of the mountains. I tried running in the mountains once and thought I might die. It helps to grow gills here... I'm working on it! ;)