Monday, March 31, 2008

Oh it was bound to happen eventually!

I kept telling the hubby that eventually one of those ducks on the pond behind the house would end up in the pool. He said that they would not bother with our small little pool when they had a big ole pond out back. Turns out I was right! I love being right! :D

I was indoors when it happened but the college student was outside studying. She came running back in the house yelling that there is a duck in the pool. She said that the male ducks were harassing this when she decided to take safe haven in our pool. yay! I'm really hoping that this does not become the halfway house for abused female ducks. I know that we women need to stick together but I draw the line at my pool where the female ducks are concerned.

The other less than human female of the house was having none of this either. Abigail, the fearless dachshund, was running around the pool trying to get her out of there.

There was a standoff at the edge of the pool. Unfortunately Abigail has a fear of water... unless it happens to be in her waterer and then she is even scared of that when the bowl refills and makes noises. The duck was taunting her as she ran around the pool barking.

Finally I had gotten enough pictures and went and grabbed the net for cleaning the pool. I was really hoping I would not have to go as far as scooping her out of there. Fortunately she wanted nothing to do with me or that net and flew away. Sadly, the male ducks started bugging her again. Men!!


Trix in the Stix said...

Those male ducks are a-holes! Lu has a fake lake in her backyard and they were always picking on and stealing the bread from the girl duck. And of course she was out numbered 10-1! So obviously we started to peg the boy ducks with the really hard moldy bread we were feeding them. Made me feel better!!

Unknown said...

Ohhhh no! I never thought of a duck problem but why wouldn't they settle onto a body of open water? We have the same problem, only it is wild rabbits pooping all over our children's sandy play area. ARGGGGH!

Anonymous said...

The male ducks are mean to the females. Apparently there are too many males to females (who would have thought that this is actually a problem??) During mating season, the males gang up on the poor female ducks until they get some. Very disturbing!!

On a side note, the hubby freaked out about the duck in the pool. The pool builder told him that was the worst thing for our pool so when he got home the over-chlorinated it. I'm hoping it will be swimmable by the weekend.

Rhonda Sloan said...

Wasn't there some thing on Omar's blog about the males raping other males too? Bad ducks. Stay out of the pool you nasty things!

Anonymous said...

Rhonda - Yes there was! Actually there was an incident in our street where there were about 8 males attacking 1 female. You could barely see her. It was kinda disturbing or I might have gotten a pic of it.