A good friend of mine had adopted this sweet boy but with a new baby, a toddler, two dogs, and either two or three cats, you could say it was all kind of overwhelming. We were discussing how crazy her life was with all of these little people and animals over a lovely sushi dinner the other night. I told her that the teenager really wanted a dog and would LOVE the little guy dearly.
I could tell it was difficult for her to let him go but we are really happy to have him. Meet Max with the very happy teenager...

The fearless dashchund, Abigail, is not too happy with us for bringing in competition but the evening went better than expected. As soon as Max arrived, they spent several minutes barking at each other. After that we all went outside where he either sat with my friend or followed Abigail around. Abigail ignored him which was the best thing I could have hoped for!
Later that night she proceeded to take any toy that Max wanted away from him when he wasn't looking. He seemed to take it all in stride and just went on to the next toy.
Bedtime was about as expected. Abigail went into her kennel and Max went into his. He then proceeded to bark for the next half hour before everyone went to sleep. And that was day 1 with Max.
They look very cute together! Please give him a big kiss for me tonight. Make it French. :)
Ok... I'll kiss the dog but I draw the line at making it French. The fearless dashchund attempts it all the time and it's not pleasant!
Max is toooo cute! What kind of dog/mix is he?
Rhonda says he is a Cairn terrier mix. I'm going with that!
Glad Max found another great home! And, that does look like a very happy teenager, always a good thing.
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