Monday, June 9, 2008

Boot Camp Week 1

It went really well all week. I was enjoying myself despite the 5am start time until Friday. Then it happened... yes, I have injured myself. And it's not a little minor thing that I can work out with. It had to be my back. During Friday's boot camp when she was making us do some sort of crazy monkey walk up a hill, I pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve or something. Doesn't really matter what I did to myself because I could barely straighten up the next day.

I was doing really well with the weight loss too. On Friday morning I had lost 2.5 pounds total. Great you say? Then the diet-busting birthday party happened. My wonderful friend, Rhonda, decided to celebrate her birthday by going to Cafe Adobe (my favorite Tex-Mex restaurant) and going to see Sex and the City with the girls. I was doing pretty good at first. I didn't eat many chips and had ordered the tilapia with a side of grilled veggies. Admittedly it all had butter on it but it was at least better than the cheese and white sauce soaked spinach enchiladas that I normally get.

I was so proud of myself for standing strong! Then the truly evil part of the party happened. I was thinking that we would have the restaurant bring out a dessert for Rhonda's birthday and I would just not partake in the calorie laden goodness because there wouldn't be enough. Oh no... this is not how things went down. KB decided to make a ding dong cake. Now most people know that I pretty much don't eat cake because I don't consider most cakes to be worth the calories. I would estimate that the massive piece that I was given to have approximately 10,000 calories and it was worth every single one. Did I stop at the one piece? No, I had to pick at the piece in the middle of the table that no one claimed because it didn't have the yummy filling. I picked at it until it was gone. I stopped short of embarrassing myself by licking the plate (I did think about it though).

After that orgy of calories and the inability to move, my net loss barely 1 pound. Sigh... maybe I will do better next weekend.


Trix in the Stix said...

Oh yes... the Day O' Gluttony! Pretty sure we could have all been rolled into the theatre after lunch. Best to just avoid the scale after days like that!!

But at least you're still down a pound... right??!!

KB said...

I think I ate more in those four hours that I had in the past four days - but I ate the chips and the queso and the flauta and enchilda AND the cake and candy in the movie.

Good luck on boot camp week 2 - hope your back has improved.

Rhonda Sloan said...

A pound is a pound! Sorry you ate so much ding dong, but it sure was yummy. :)

Rhonda Sloan said...

P.S. I need a new pic of Max!

Anonymous said...

The ding dong cake was fantastic!!! I don't eat cake unless I feel it is worth the calories. Apparently I felt that this one was especially worth it since I ate two pieces!

I will work on new pics of Max. He and the fearless Daschund are getting along famously lately. They even sleep in the same kennel occasionally.

Anonymous said...

Oh and kb needs to give up that recipe!! I have a chocolate loving dad that I'm visiting this weekend.

Serdeau said...

Ah the memories... That was a great day.