Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wife in mud

I have analytics running on my blog. This is mostly for my own amusement and ego. The ego part is to see how many different people from other parts of the country/world are popping in and also how many people per day, etc.

The amusement part was a more unexpected benefit of analytics. I find enjoyment seeing how people get to my blog through a google search. It has been mostly boring until lately. Let me share a list of my favorites:

Volvo jokes
i am not my wife's first true love
i don't like being a stepmom
mating peking drakes female goose (really? people search for that?)
what happens to the female ducks when it is mating season
ducks that bully
wife in mud

Apparently I'm a resident expert about mating ducks because that seems to bring me more traffic than anything (that and Coco's Crepes anyway). Not sure when I became a duck expert but seems like people come to me to read about duck romance.

Most of these searches make sense to me. I know which posts they come from except for the last one. Wife in mud? This is going to take some research. I'll get back to you on this one.


Trix in the Stix said...

Appears to be something about a Mud Pit (and wife from your blog name). But much more interesting than my googles... "yellow bags" and "peeing on knees"!

Serdeau said...

I had a "beaver Heather split". Available at your local porno ice cream parlor.