Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lack of sleep promotes bursts of blog activity

Every once in a while I have a short period of insomnia. There are usually two types of insomnia for me. The first is due to something stressful happening in my life and I find it impossible to shut my brain off. For me this is the worst kind but there is nothing I can do about it short of taking some sort of sleep aid.

Fortunately my current insomnia is due to the second reason which is physical discomfort. The reason this is fortunate is that I can generally do something about it. Last night it was all about the cough I have developed from the cold that I've been suffering. I didn't have any good medicines that would allow me to sleep so finally at midnight I took the one that would likely keep me awake all night but at least I would be comfortable and wide awake.

The side effect of this sort of insomnia is that I have an idle mind at a time when there is no one to talk to. I got up and read a magazine for about an hour then went back to bed around 1:15am. I slept for about 2 hours and was wide awake again. So I laid there for an hour with my mind pondering things like whether people who weren't born as pasty white as I was are bothered by the fact that their are no band aids to match their skin color... or maybe there is and I just needed to find them since the standard color matches my skin almost perfectly. You know, important stuff like that.

So if you are reading this later today after my little burst of blog postings, you will know two things:

1. I haven't had much sleep which will explain any lack of coherent thoughts
2. My idle mind is a dangerous thing

1 comment:

Trix in the Stix said...

Try the clear band-aids... the match any skin tone!!