Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lazy mom

Anyone who has been reading lately may know that I've been dealing with some amount of insomnia. It's mostly related to the decongestant I've been taking that has kept me from being too miserable while I was sick. Yesterday I felt like I could make it through the night without taking any and I slept like I haven't slept in weeks.

This morning at 5am when the waking of the teenager was to commence, I didn't really feel like getting up quite yet so I hit snooze for five minutes. The alarm went off again I still didn't want to get up but I knew that if I didn't wake her up, I was not getting to work anytime soon. So I called her cell phone to give her a hotel style wake up call and went back to sleep for 30 minutes. Does this make me a bad person? ;)


Anonymous said...

I love it! I'd say it is creative-parenting that builds character!

Anonymous said...

No, it means you're just smarter than the average parent ;) Good on you!