Sunday, April 12, 2009

Recovery update

Let's see... I've now developed complications. I have seroma on my up abdomen which is essentially a build up of fluid. I showed the nurse this when I went to get my second drain removed and she recommended binding that area tight and not using my abs.

The first suggestion is somewhat easy as long as my husband is not traveling. I'm bound up tight with an ace bandage so much that it's hard to take a deep breath. Her second suggestion has been a little more challenging! Have you ever tried to not use your abs? I have found that I use them quite a lot for normal daily life. So that one is not going so well.

If these two things don't help, there is another option on Tuesday when I go in to see the doctor. I will let you guess what that is since the thought of it disturbs me so very much! So far it's looking like the other option is likely.


Trix in the Stix said...

Come stay at my house for a few days... I'm pretty sure I NEVER use my abs!!

As far as the next option... in layman's terms... my guess would be something along the lines of a drainage pipe! Does not sound fun!

KB said...

I'm sorry, that does not sound fun. It's true, you never know how much you use your abs until someone cuts a hole in them...even a teeny, tiny hole.

Anonymous said...

The initial option involves needles. If it keeps coming back then the drain becomes the next option. Tomorrow morning should be a big ole blast! I just LOVE needles!

Rhonda Sloan said...

Are you doing okay?