Thursday, October 21, 2010

Early morning conversation with my legs

A form of this conversation occurs every time I need to get up early to run. Sometimes it ends better than today:


Me: Ok! Time to get up

Legs: No, snoozing is good

Me: But I have to go run!

Legs: We will... just let me sleep for a few more minutes

Me: But I need to get this in before I go to work. If I wait there won't be time.

Legs: Yes there will just give me 15 more minutes. Zzzzzzzz...

Me: Sigh... OK...


Me: Now we HAVE to get up.

Legs: No! Sleep!

Me: I'm getting up and you are coming with me whether you like it or not.

Legs: NO!!! 15 more minutes!!
(At this point, it is a toss up who will win)

Me: Alright, 15 more.

Legs: Zzzzzzzzz


Me: Dang it! Now I don't have time.

Legs: hehehe

Me: We are so running this afternoon!

Legs: Yeah right!


KB said...

I accidentally discovered a cure for my snooze button habit - the Tejano station. Somehow I unknowingly changed the radio station. so when the alarm went off I was awakend to a steady stream of Spanish. Beautiful langauge, but not understanding a word got my butt out of bed. Did not want to hear that again.

Dainty Musings said...

I can't imagine the hubby enjoying these conversations you're having!

Wait, was this the morning after I fed you pizza, burgers, hotdogs, cheese, wine, soda, and dessert???

I promise to be healthier next time.

Geoff said...

interesting convo with your legs...i have convos with myself to make me workout to keep my weight loss down lol