Monday, May 19, 2008

The light at the end of the tunnel wasn't a train

It was actually graduation! My hubby finally got his MBA this weekend! YAY!! Sometimes he felt like that light was a train running over him but he persevered and got it done. This was despite being discouraged by an ex-wife who didn't see the value of this achievement and working a full time traveling job. I can't say enough how proud I am!

We went to San Antonio this weekend to graduation. I tried to get a few pictures of him walking the stage but my poor little camera really does not perform well at a distance in low light (really gotta get a real camera!) The pic is blurry and could be anybody but I assure you this is my husband.

Hubby and his best friend
The teenager wanted to try on the cap and gown and get a picture. This one was my favorite. Note the diploma that she is holding... it's upside down. We are so proud! :)


Rhonda Sloan said...

CONGRATS to Mark!!!

Serdeau said...

I just saw this post but I have to say congratulations, too. That's wonderful!!