Saturday, September 20, 2008

25 things I learned from Ike (in no particular order)

  1. I am spoiled!
  2. A blackberry makes a splendid flashlight in a pinch
  3. I LOVE generators
  4. I hate trees with all of their silly leaves collecting in my pool
  5. I really hate pine trees
  6. I’m addicted to the internet
  7. I’m not as addicted to TV as I thought
  8. I finally found a good use for all of those water bottles I got when training for the MS150
  9. Boiling water to wash dishes really blows
  10. That the doo-hickey that starts the burners on my gas stove is electric
  11. I can still get those burners lit with a lighter (Duh!)
  12. I can’t enter a room without flipping a switch even though I know full well that nothing will happen when I do
  13. The college student is so terrified of tornados that she will sleep in a small closet to feel safe
  14. The teenager can actually sleep through a hurricane
  15. The dogs can too
  16. The pizza stone for the grill that I got for my wedding comes in handy when there is no power
  17. The fearless Dachshund would rather explode than walk out in the rain to relieve herself
  18. Max the Wonder Dog would rather not explode even during the last remnants of a hurricane
  19. Ducks fare pretty well riding out a category 2 hurricane
  20. I can fix a darn good meal even without power
  21. Coffee can be made without power by boiling water and pouring it through the coffee and filter in the coffee machine
  22. When transformers blow, it looks like green lightening from inside the house
  23. I don’t think I would stay for a hurricane bigger than a category 3
  24. The hubby was more scared than I was
  25. You might have to drive 55 miles to find gasoline after a hurricane


KB said...

Something important Ike taught me... a powerless freezer cannot be turned in to a cooler. Ice melts, leaks out and drips out of the ceiling below. Not good.

Trix in the Stix said...

I've learned that Centerpoint doesn't like me... Two weeks later and still no f*cking power!!!

Anonymous said...

kb - good to know!

trix - that really sucks! I hope you get power back soon

Unknown said...

Fascinating list, Carol and I'm glad you're OK! I could go days without TV but my Internet? I'd feel it after the first hour. :-)

Anonymous said...

Amber - I wasn't completely without internet connection it was just spotty with the cellular card. So it wasn't TOO terrible. I was almost as happy to get my cable internet back as I was to get power!