Thursday, September 4, 2008

Being a parent has just gotten harder!

I was told the most ridiculous thing by the teenager yesterday. I knew this was coming because the same sort of thing happened when I was about her age. Kids her age are turning 16 and getting cars of their own to drive. I find this ridiculous in itself... I think a teenager shouldn't get their own car until they have had at least 6 months of experience. I may lose that battle with the hubby but that one is ok I guess.

Now to the ridiculousness that makes it harder to be a parent today... I was taking the teenager to church last night when she said that her friend was very spoiled and told me to guess what she got for her 16th birthday. I couldn't guess so she told me. And guess what it was... a vehicle!

But not just any vehicle either. Oh no, her parents thought that it would be a spectacular idea to get this kid a Hummer. Really? Does a kid who has very little experience driving need a vehicle such as a Hummer? That sounds like a fatality waiting to happen (not for her mind you, for some other unsuspecting driver or unlucky pedestrian in her path).

I don't personally have a problem with Hummers. I have a very good friend who owns one and if she can afford the gas on a vehicle then more power to her! But I do have a problem with giving one to an unexperienced teenager. Not to mention the fact that even if you have the cheapest H3 out there, it is going to cost at least $30K. Does a teenager really need a vehicle that expensive?

Keep in mind that this did happen when I was growing up. A girl in my class got a tricked out Camaro (which she promptly wrecked and was lucky to survive) and another guy got a Jaguar as a graduation present. The difference is that these two kids were the super rich kids. All of us average kids were thrilled to death to have anything to drive even the uncool station wagon. This girl's parents are not super rich. They do well like me and the hubby do but they are not of the elite kind of rich like the kids were when I was young.

So where does this leave me and the hubby? We are still going to make sure that we bring up a girl with realistic expectations for when she is out of our home. She may or may not have the money to live like that after college. We try to make sure she understands that when she gets a Coach purse from us that it's a very special gift rather than something she should always expect. I will say that this lesson is becoming harder to teach when everyone her age does seem to think Coach purses and Hummers as the norm.


Anonymous said...

Ah, yes..the turning 16 years old car debate. Kids around here drive Mercedes, Hummers, BMW and tricked out trucks (ridiculous!). We opted to get our son a 1984 Bronco - yes 1984 but its in great condition, has cold air, looks good and is dependable. He was THRILLED beyond belief when we bought it. We know its gonna get bumped and dinged which is the whole point of getting an older car for a novice driver! He also got his permit shortly after turning 15 so that he could get more experience behind the wheel before we let him go on his own.

KB said...

I was lucky enough to be allowed to drive my mother's 10 year old (bright yellow) Toyota Tercell and I was happy about it.

Things are different now.....

Anonymous said...

lets just put a fully loaded anti-tank cannon in the kids hands instead, it'll do less damage.

Man, I got a beat up, held together by LOTS Of duct tape, POS when I got my license.

Trix in the Stix said...

Those parents who buy cars like that for their kids are the DUMB PARENTS!

Anonymous said...

Daria, glad to hear there are still some sane parents in the world and kids that are still appreciative. Hopefully ours will be just as appreciative when she gets something less than luxury!

kb, I drove my mom's maroon station wagon and was happy to have wheels! Much better than riding the bus in my opinion.

M@, This kid lives in my neighborhood. I'm staying away from all Hummers driving around here and hope that she doesn't run over my dogs either!

Trix, Dumb parents definitely but they still make my job harder raising a normal kid.

Unknown said...

Hear, hear. It's a tough balance between giving children gifts and not spoiling them. Fortunately, our kids are still little so they don't need or expect much. But I'll be watching to see how you handle it with your step-daughter!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Someone watching me for parenting ideas? Maybe as a what not to do sort of scenario! ;)

Rhonda Sloan said...

Daria - that car was around when WE were in high school! ;)

Carol - No Hummers for teenagers. They should drive a Hyundai like I did.