Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ike Update #1

It's coming! Damn that Jim Cantore for showing up in Galveston. It was headed to Victoria until he showed up. That man and his shiny bald head attracts hurricanes.

I've stocked up on the essentials. We have lots of beer, wine, bloody marys and mimosas. We should be good for the duration of the storm. Oh and I have water and canned food. We have a little camp light that is powered by propane for when we lose power (it's not if but when). We are riding this thing out. Fortunately we are about 90 miles away from Freeport area which I believe is where it's still supposed to come in.

It's actually beautiful weather here today and nobody I know is evacuating completely. I have a friend who lives south of Houston who "evacuated" to my other friend's house not too far from here but so far she is the only one I'm aware of. I think that they were in an official evacuation zone so they were told to leave. We were not so hopefully it won't be too bad.

My hubby is currently playing with his new toy. He bought an HD camcorder today so I may have some video to post. Right now nothing exciting to report other than we are preparing for this storm.

We have moved all potential "torpedos" off of the patio and put them all into the garage. We will be rearranging everything in the garage so that we can get two of the four vehicles in there. We don't have any plywood so we will not be boarding up the windows but we are prepared to cover any broken windows.

I will post updates as long as we have power. Here is a picture of the current conditions.

Oh and my hairdresser will be working tomorrow so I will be keeping that appointment barring any extreme weather tomorrow morning. And yes, my hair color really is that important!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, be careful nice lady. Give us an update when you can.