Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Yes folks! It's that time of the year again!

It's HOMECOMING! I am so overjoyed I can't even tell you. Mostly I feel like a big ole failure as a mother to not be more excited about this whole thing. All I see are $$ flying out of my wallet and I cannot see past that to share in the excitement with the teenager.

This homecoming is starting out better I must say. There was no confusion with the boys thinking that she already had a date therefore not being asked by someone in her school. She was asked during the first or second week of school. So with all of that drama out of the way we can plan ahead a little better this year. Oh and I kinda know what to expect too. Things have changed since I was in high school.

For starters there is that whole homecoming garter that the boys now wear. Boys wouldn't have been caught dead wearing something like this when I was young:

Boys didn't want to wear a silly flower with ribbons and a stuffed animal on it. When did boys decide this was cool? So I dropped about $55 on that for the teenagers date. I can't wait to see the monstrosity that will be the teenager's mum. If you weren't around for homecoming last year go here for that picture.

Then of course there is the dress, shoes, purse, and jewelry. The teenager showed more restraint this year and all of that only cost a little over $200. We paid the $200 and her mom paid the difference. Last year the dress by itself was $180 and then there were alterations.
But of course that isn't all... there is the cost of an updo, makeup and a mani/pedi. I figure that will be at least another $100. Then if there is a limo... yikes!

Hopefully you can see why I've lost all of my excitement for homecoming ever! The teenager informed us that they have now added another formal winter dance and then there is Sadie Hawkins dance in the springtime. These schools are killing me with all of these freaking dances! I won't be able to send the kid to college because I had to buy her three different dresses/outfits a year. Then of course in her senior year (and God forbid in her junior year) there will be prom. Does anyone else find this a tad excessive besides me? Am I being too much of a scrooge?


Trix in the Stix said...

I don't think I'll ever understand those things (the mum thingies)... we don't do that shit in the midwest!!

KB said...

I have zero experience with mums. No one did mums at my school. And, I don't think you're being scrooge. It hink it is a bit excessive. But maybe I'm just old....

Anonymous said...

It's always been a competition of who could get the most elaborate one even when I was young. However, it's gotten out of control now when the mum is wider than the girl wearing it and it has flashing lights, games, candy, etc. hanging off of it.

Rhonda Sloan said...

Yeah, the mum thing was a big deal at my high school too. People would be practically falling over because their mum was so damn heavy with bears and bells and other stupid crap.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I went to Klein High School. Yeah, mums were a BIG freakin deal. I was always a weird kid. I went to Homecoming my senior year with an equally weird kid. We left early and went to cruise the record stores on Montrose and we ate at Denny's. My mom expected me to pay for my own dress. (Jessica McClintock. I STILL have it) My date drove his own car and that was that.

I bet my mom was secretly glad that I wasn't uber popular and so I didn't have to meet the same ritzy dance standards as other kids in our neighborhood.

And then the thought always occurs to me, if Homecoming is made such a big deal out of how can you ever top that for their Prom?