Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"What the F*ck?" Wednesday

In honor of Rhonda's birthday and since she is taking the whole day off, I thought I would have a "What the F*ck?" Wednesday post. Happy Birthday Rhonda!!

I have been meaning to get this posted for days but somehow with all of the Memorial weekend festivities, I haven't quite had the time. While grocery shopping this weekend, I saw this guy driving out of the Kroger parking lot.

Yes, I saw the "Road Warrior." It says so on the side!!

Note that it's a dually...

And the front pipes sticking out of the hood

Monday, May 19, 2008

When will I ever learn?

I'm not usually known for doing anything in a small way when it comes to exercise. I run marathons and cycle 160 miles on a fairly regular basis. Lately I've been somewhat bored with just running and cycling so I wanted to do something a bit different. Inspired by the results that Amber (a.k.a the Crazy Bloggin' Canuck) has achieved, I decided to try a fitness boot camp.

I did a little research and decided on this one... Houston Adventure Boot Camp They seem to be popular and have people come back for more sessions. This boot camp will last 4 weeks starting on June 2nd. I was pretty pumped about it until I looked over the registration form. The things they make you agree to are going to be difficult

No alcohol at all??? I don't intend to drink at all on the evenings before I have to go to the boot camp because I really don't enjoy being hungover, waking up at 4am and getting yelled at by the instructor when I can't move too fast.

No fried foods, sugar, or saturated fat??? I can probably do without the fried foods. I don't eat them often anyway. I'm ok with cutting down on sugar and saturated fats but to cut them out completely seems a little extreme! I have a sweet tooth and I do try not to eat much sugar but when I cut it out completely, I find that I end up having awful cravings. Limiting myself to smaller amounts seems to work better for me. Same with cheese which happens to be one of my major sources of saturated fats. I will cut back and I will eat lower fat cheese. However if you ask me to eliminate them, you will eventually find me hiding in a corner like a rat gnawing on a huge wedge of fully fat cheese. And don't even try to take it away from me... you might lose a hand!

So I signed up anyway knowing that these people are probably going to yell at me for my food choices. The point of this little story? Stay away from me between June 2nd through the 28th. I expect to be a BIIIIAAAATCH!

The light at the end of the tunnel wasn't a train

It was actually graduation! My hubby finally got his MBA this weekend! YAY!! Sometimes he felt like that light was a train running over him but he persevered and got it done. This was despite being discouraged by an ex-wife who didn't see the value of this achievement and working a full time traveling job. I can't say enough how proud I am!

We went to San Antonio this weekend to graduation. I tried to get a few pictures of him walking the stage but my poor little camera really does not perform well at a distance in low light (really gotta get a real camera!) The pic is blurry and could be anybody but I assure you this is my husband.

Hubby and his best friend
The teenager wanted to try on the cap and gown and get a picture. This one was my favorite. Note the diploma that she is holding... it's upside down. We are so proud! :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New member of our happy little clan

Last night we had a new member of the family join us. We got a new puppy!

A good friend of mine had adopted this sweet boy but with a new baby, a toddler, two dogs, and either two or three cats, you could say it was all kind of overwhelming. We were discussing how crazy her life was with all of these little people and animals over a lovely sushi dinner the other night. I told her that the teenager really wanted a dog and would LOVE the little guy dearly.

I could tell it was difficult for her to let him go but we are really happy to have him. Meet Max with the very happy teenager...

The fearless dashchund, Abigail, is not too happy with us for bringing in competition but the evening went better than expected. As soon as Max arrived, they spent several minutes barking at each other. After that we all went outside where he either sat with my friend or followed Abigail around. Abigail ignored him which was the best thing I could have hoped for!

Later that night she proceeded to take any toy that Max wanted away from him when he wasn't looking. He seemed to take it all in stride and just went on to the next toy.

Bedtime was about as expected. Abigail went into her kennel and Max went into his. He then proceeded to bark for the next half hour before everyone went to sleep. And that was day 1 with Max.