Sunday, December 14, 2008

Where in the world is Mrs. Squirrel Assassin?

Good question! I think I've been taking a break. Partly because I wanted to and partly because I'm doing two jobs right now. In the past I had the time to blog occasionally during the day because my job wasn't all that taxing. For some crazy reason, I got bored with my well paid life of leisure and wanted something to do during the day. And I got what I asked for. What was I thinking?

I have decided to step up and fix the problems with our help desk at work. This is no small task because no one has bothered to help these people understand their job. I thought that I might be the right person to do this. Great you say? Well... maybe... that is if they ever find someone to take over my old tasks. Until then, I am doing both! I didn't think that this would be quite as demanding as it has turned out.

So now it's nearly impossible to take 30 minutes to put a post together during the day and with the holidays, I've been busy in the evenings as well. I'm hoping that someone will be taking over my old job very soon giving me a little less to be stressed out about. I'm not gone just resting!


Trix in the Stix said...

Well welcome back... kinda!! Hope you can hand over the old tasks soon!!

Rhonda Sloan said...

That's what you get for taking the initiative. You should know better than that! ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't know what I was thinking. I told my supervisor that I take it back and I want to be bored again but she won't let me go back now!