Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Birthday!

We are in the midst of a very special moment in history. I bet you didn't realize it was happening this week! Yes, the teenager has turned 16! The big expesive Sweet 16 party is happening tomorrow.

We will be starting at Flemings (nice steak place) with 10 of the teenager's closest girlfriends. If she had had her way, she would have invited 50 to that. Unfortunately for her we don't have $3000 laying around to waste on one meal. She decided that the girls were the only ones worth taking to a nice restaurant.

Afterwards we will be coming back to our house and will be joined by bunches of teenage boys. First on the list of things to do is the hot tub... I'm sure they will proceed to stuff 20 people in their (they proved last year that it could be done).

Then they are going to come back in at some point. If it's not too late they will proceed to watch a movie until 1am when we will be kicking out all of the boys. Some time around the start of the movie, I will be needing to send myself into a drunken stupor to deal with all of the noise! Fortunately I have already stocked up.

The next day I will be kicking out all of the girls no later then noon and working on that nasty hangover I will be sporting. Wish me luck! :D


Unknown said...

Ohhhhh, Sweet 16. Sounds so much better than my not-so-sweet 37th birthday party. ;-)

Anonymous said...

It was fun actually. The girls got really dressed up for dinner. I had gone up early with a friend and decorated the table. The party seemed to be a big hit.

One mystery of the evening is how they managed to displace nearly a foot of water from the hot tub. We had to add water this morning!

Rhonda Sloan said...

Happy (belated) birthday, J.!

You are in big trouble now, Carol. :)

Anonymous said...

Rhonda, don't I know it! You don't even know the half of it yet. Good stories for a future happy hour! :)