Tuesday, October 28, 2008

And I lived through it yet again

Homecoming that is... I have had a really bad week or so that I don't really want to get into but it's kept me from doing a whole lot of blogging as you can tell. I keep meaning to put up pictures from the teenager's homecoming but never could get motivated. So several weeks later, I'm finally getting these pictures up. I apologize to anyone who was anxiously awaiting! ;-)

The monsterous mum!

The only way a guy can look manly wearing a boy mum

Isn't she adorable?

Gotta love the sunglasses and Vans on her date

Goofy pose

Group photo

Pole dancing so young in life!


Anonymous said...

Teenager is way cute. Hope she had a back support for that mum. I love her dress, too.

I'll not comment on a certain other dress...

Anonymous said...

Heather - Why not EVERYONE else has already! ;)

Anonymous said...

I remember those mums from homecoming. Each girl vied to have the biggest most elaborate mum. I you gave your girlfriend a puny mum, you were in the doghouse for weeks.