Sunday, October 5, 2008

Teenagers... are they really that stupid?

I will start by say that this is not about my teenager thankfully. Other than being a little overdramatic at times, she is a good kid. No, this is about the teenager down the street and her friends.

Since my teenager was going to an overnight birthday party and the hubby was out hunting, I decided to pack up and head to my friend's house last night. It got late and I just decided to stay there until the next morning rather than drive home. I got up really early to head home and take care of my dogs.

As I'm driving through the neighborhood I come upon a guy walking down the middle of the street thumbing a ride and very obviously drunk. I keep going and turn down my cul-de-sac and find out where he had originated from. All up and down my street there were beer cans, cigarette packages, and fast food bags. There was also a strange car parked in front of the house.

I park the car in the garage and walk out to pick up the trash that was in front of my house when I hear someone beating on a door. That is when I noticed the Harris County Sheriff's department car at the end of the cul-de-sac. He was beating on the door and yelling for the occupants to open the door.

I picked up the trash and threw it away and then headed to the backyard to make sure there are no foreign objects in the pool. It wouldn't be the first time that has happened to us. Luckily the pool came out of the incident unscathed so I went back in to let my dogs out.

I take them out to the front yard as usual and the cop is STILL beating on the door. I watch for a bit while the dogs were busy and then put them back inside. I stay outside because I'm curious about what has happened. At this point he gave up and decided to leave. I flagged him down to talk and he tells me that the kids down the street had a party and apparently had it all over the street too. He says that he's trying to talk to the parents and asked that I call him when they get home.

At this point I'm thinking it's pretty much over. Oh how wrong I was! People keep showing up off and on to the house presumably to pick up stuff that they had left when the cops showed up around 3am.

Then suddenly the teenager runs down the stairs saying that there was someone screaming outside. We peek at the "party house" and don't see anyone but we could still hear the screaming. So I figured it was time to let the dogs out to do their business again so I could be nosy more easily.

When I go outside, I figure out where the screaming is coming from... there is a girl at the front of the house next to the "party house" yelling for Jessica to let her in. This girl is ranting and raving because Jessica wouldn't let her in. The teenager and I watch for a bit after going back in and laugh about it right up until the girl picks up a large object from the garden and looks like she is about to hurl it at a window.

I decide for my neighbor's sake I should do something to stop her since they were obviously not home. So I run out there and yell at her that she's at the wrong freaking house and to stop beating on people's door. The girl gets an oops look on her face and goes to the correct house were Jessica presumably let her in.

As soon as I see the parents, my new buddy Rocky (Harris County Sheriff) will get a call and pay the parents a visit. So I guess back to my original question... are teenagers really that stupid? Do they think they are going to get away with big underage drinking parties in the parent's house without them eventually finding out? They must be!

1 comment:

Rhonda Sloan said...

Of course teenagers are that stupid. Duh.